I will do anything for a laugh.... And I usually find them everywhere, too! This morning, as I was taking Nicole to school, I was discussing some of the traffic laws,like understanding the lights. P.S. I have explained this to her a million times already! I believe that Nicole should understand her world around her, not just look at it! So her response? "I know, mom... I already know everything because I am in Kindergarten!" Maybe I should go back to Kindergarten!
Also, as we turned around the corner to jump into the drop off line, a little boy came around the corner on his skateboard.... Skateboarding to school! I haven't seen that in AGES!!!
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Sunday, October 21, 2007
a fatal attraction
Today was the grand opening of a McDonald's in our town.... A Mc Donald's that supposedly burned down and then was rebuilt! EVERYONE and their mother was there! I went with a friend, Nicole, and her kids... We walked into the playroom and let the kids GO! As soon as they kicked off their shoes, they were gone! We looked around for a table, a bench, A chair.... Between all of the customers and onlookers, there was no room! Finally we snagged the table right next to the jungle gym.
After a good 15 minutes of marveling at the insane amounts of energy contained in our children, I finally took an 'order' and headed to the front lines! From the moment I stepped into line to the moment I actually walked away with my tray, 35 minutes had passed. You read correctly, 35. You see, I already told you everybody and their mother was at this place! This local yocal town has a great turn out for every occasion, be in small or grandiose...
This McDonald's happens to be a cuisine of choice. Most of those 35 minutes were spent behind 14 other members of the line. Plus I had a large order to place! And after consuming my drenched snack wrap and fries, which now sit like a sack of wet rags in my gut, I still consider whether or not the endeavor was truly worth it.... Is it worth it to fill my system with saturated whatchamacallit and preservatives just so that we can follow the crowd and play on the indoor playground?
Next time I will make my own chicken nuggets, place them in a brown paper bag with a smiley face on it, call it my own happy meal, and save a LOT of calories.....
Next time I'll order a grumpy mel from Mickey D's!
After a good 15 minutes of marveling at the insane amounts of energy contained in our children, I finally took an 'order' and headed to the front lines! From the moment I stepped into line to the moment I actually walked away with my tray, 35 minutes had passed. You read correctly, 35. You see, I already told you everybody and their mother was at this place! This local yocal town has a great turn out for every occasion, be in small or grandiose...
This McDonald's happens to be a cuisine of choice. Most of those 35 minutes were spent behind 14 other members of the line. Plus I had a large order to place! And after consuming my drenched snack wrap and fries, which now sit like a sack of wet rags in my gut, I still consider whether or not the endeavor was truly worth it.... Is it worth it to fill my system with saturated whatchamacallit and preservatives just so that we can follow the crowd and play on the indoor playground?
Next time I will make my own chicken nuggets, place them in a brown paper bag with a smiley face on it, call it my own happy meal, and save a LOT of calories.....
Next time I'll order a grumpy mel from Mickey D's!
Saturday, October 13, 2007
I am Batman
Seriously, not. But every morning on my way to work, I turn down Gotham. They pronounce it a little differently, which makes me giggle inside and think about Batman a little more! But Gotham street is a little more familiar now.... Can't say that about the rest of the grid, though! I can find my way around, though, just give me a little time, I'll pull off some random turns and FIND a street that I know! I think my sense of direction is getting a little better! Yesterday I was coming home from work and my car started to act little funny. It was acting like it didn;'t want to drive.... And then it shut off. Luckily I had pulled over to the curb, so I coasted out of the MIDDLE of the street! I would start and roll over fine, but then it would DIE! I gave up on it. I turned it off, grabbed everything out of the car thta I needed, and started walking home... But which direction was home? I turned down a couple of streets.... I was thinking of knocking on a door and asking which direction was State Street.... But did it! I found my way! I was pretty stupid, though. I grabbed EVERYTHING out of my car. The soup cans I just bought, my bag full of books, my jacket, a few other random things I had left in my car, and I carried them all the way home. At LEAST a mile! Okay, maybe JUST a mile.... But that's enough for me! My car is fine, just finicky, now.... I need to learn the streets better! However, if I WAS Batman, I wouldn't have to worry about the car OR the streets so much, would I?