Tonight was Ladies' Night IN at our church. A volunteer from the local 'University Co-op' came to teach us about Container Gardening (perfect for my soon-to-be patio, in the backyard!). We learned about the importance of a portable container in the harsh weather!! Herbs, veggies, fruit, flowers, trees.... Anything except a potato! I hope to grow a pico de gallo garden soon! Or maybe a lasagna garden! How fun does that sound?

We always have a 'potluck' night at our 'in church' nights out, tonight's theme was the garden, so we all brought salads! I made a deLICIOUS blackened chicken salad with a creamy honey mustard dressing, the best taco salad, and a strawberry pretzel salad for dessert. But that blackened chicken was awesome! And the spicy and creamy mix? To die for!!!
Have I mentioned I love food???
Oh, and I forgot to tell you we went golfing this weekend! Well, not really golfing, just to the driving range.
And biking.

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