No craft today, we had 'theatre night' instead... I'll explain.
After we eat.

Today I made 120 Quesadillas. It was supposed to be veggie quesadillas, but the shredded carrots had turned, and who likes carrots in their quesadillas anyway? If I were in charge of the menu, I would have added sliced bell peppers, or green chilies. Oh, how I love green chilies! (I love food, remember???)

Then I made 2 pans of cheese enchiladas! I sprinkled then with olives, cheddar cheese, and served 'em with sour cream and salsa. The kids loved 'em! Then it was on to theatre night. The performance was a collection of choreographed beach songs, but they were so CUTE! Every heard of Pineapple Princess? Oh, the kids were adorable in this song!
We went home (and Nicolee was still singing!!!)
(Dave and I had subs. And he had fudge. And I got daisies! I love daisies!)

Oh yeah,, and I went to the Farmer's Market on my lunch break and I came home with all of this treasure! And I have noticed that I have NO cash left after I visit the Farmer's MArket!
Oh yeah, and today is our 8 year anniversary!
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