Monday, August 11, 2008

What can I do in a week?

  • We found a new church (I love being a part of a church family!)
  • we went huka-diving... This evening we're going to try it at the lake! (We practiced in a pool!!!)
  • we went sailing on the lake! Doc got a sailing lesson and he 'drove' the whole time! We also BBQ'd while we were on the water, learned some geography and history, and I had the best seat... The one at the back of the boat, watching everything!!!
  • I PAID off a student loan 100%. Poor Doc has a long way to go for that! (Come on, a doc, seriously!!!)
  • Nicolee had a bday party in the park for fairies and pirates, it was a blast!
  • Nana and LJ came and Nana already left.... LJ is here for the rest of the week!
  • We saw Mama Mia! It was so much fun! (But how often in life do we realy burst out into song to express our feelings??)
  • And this morning we are headed to the local Science Museum.

Wow! This has been one busy week! Not to mention plenty of sewing, cleaning, cooking, laundry-ignorning, and movie watching! Whatta bum, huh???


Anonymous said...

sounds absolutely awesome! lol enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I was coerced into seeing Mamma Mia (the play), which ended up being great... as for the movie version, sounds fun, though it's awkward to think of ol' Pierce trying to sing, yeeesh

Ynaffit said...

Pierce defnitely left some vocal talent to be disired, as did Colin Firth!!!